This is Mason Elizabeth Parker, the cutest thing since my babies! She is my great niece and we want to thank God for a safe delivery for mom and Mason. Her great-grandmother is holding her!! Now, on to fashion!
I am an anti-resolutionist ( I think I made that word up). I think for many people they are a set up for failure. I like challenges and dares better. Such as "I bet you can't go without chocolate for 3 days" or "I dare you to walk a mile over 4 days". You know, small doable things but with a bit of, can you or can't you, thrown in for good measure. So, with that quirky train of thought, what about a fashion challenge. We'll call it Style Dare 2009. Every week try one thing, place, action, etc. new. Like, a color you don't usually wear, or heels instead of flats, or tights instead of hose, or throw out an item you haven't worn in a year, or shop at a different store than usual, or don't be afraid to show your legs, or have a make up expert give you some tips, or change an outfit from flashy to classy. That list right there gives you around 7 or 8 ideas. Look at a fashion magazine to see how some things are supposed to be worn to give you some guidance and confidence. January is normally a time for self-reflection and we shouldn't disregard our appearance during our time of assessing the things we need to change. Obviously, the way you look effects you and how people react to and perceive you. So, on January 4th, decide what the challenge will be and DO IT! That's my motivational talk for now. As for style news, I don't have much to comment on at the moment. Just a few tips; dresses are huge and will be all year; also, blazers with are being worn with tons of things, and a last thing to consider is accessories. Accessories can make or break an outfit and for the financially strapped, can update your look quickly and economically. If you would like me to work with you it would be a pleasure so please email or call, I'll help you spend that Christmas cash or gift cards (which by the way should be spent quickly lest the store goes out of business!). That's all for now, I hope your holidays were filled with love, family, and friends. Happy New Year!!